Experience Jura - we show you how



We would like to show you here what there is to see with us, or in the vicinity. 

Below you will find some links that will take you to the most interesting sites. Among other things, you can inform yourself about upcoming events, what sports and recreational opportunities there are, various museums and much more. In addition, we have also linked some restaurants, which we personally can highly recommend.



Tourism page Canton Jura

This is the tourism website of Canton Jura, where you can find a lot of information on the following topics


Jura - Three Lakes County

(hiking, velo, mountainbike, horse riding, water activities, fun & adventure, wellness, cross-country skiing, ski & snowboard, snowshoeing, winter hiking, general winter activities, culture & museums, events)

Horse riding trails in Jura

Overview of some bridle paths in Jura 

Moor & More 


Work with cattle

Always on the cattle - Ranch Work


Unique experiences in the Jura

Travel by steam train - Freiberger-Montagne steam train

Enjoying nature to the full - Doubs Nature Park

A breathtakingly beautiful rock basin, a wonder of nature  - Creux du van


Jura Maps

Here you will find a map of the canton of Jura, where you can individually view all the
bike paths, horseback riding trails, hiking routes and much more.
Jura Maps


Restaurants - Our favorites

Pizzaria Bellvue

Auberge de la Couronne

Les Voyageurs

- more restaurants to follow :)